EDITION 2000XVIII Festival Internacional de Música de CantonigròsCATALONIA - SPAIN |
- From 13th to 16th July 2000 - |
Honour CommitteePresident of the Generalitat de Catalunya EXCM. SR. CARLOS PEDRO AMAR
Ambassador of Argentina HONORABLE SR. JOAQUIM TRIADÚ
Minister of Presidency Generalitat de Catalunya IL·LM. SR. ANTONI ROQUÉ
Mayor of l'Esquirol - Cantonigròs SR. EMILIO CEBAMANOS
President de FCC Construcción S.A.
Mixed choirs up to 60 voices. a) HALLELUJA (final
of Motete "Singet dem Herrn ein neues Lied") BWV 225, from J.Sebastian
Bach. Ed: Bärenreiter BA5193 COMPETITION NR. 2 Children's choirs of not more
of 60 voices. a) Litl' Olaman Helge Aafloy Ed: Norsk Musikforlag A/S, Oslo b) A free choice composition (not an arrangement), sung in any language, with or without piano accompaniement. c) A 20th century original composition by a composer of the competing choir's own country, without instrumentalaccompaniment. The total duration of the works chosen, (b+c), together, can not exceed 10 minutes. 1st prize, 100.000 pta; 2nd
prize, 50.000 pta; 3rd. prize 25.000 pta COMPETITION NR. 3 Female choirs up to 50 voices. a) O cel blau
Ll. Millet, arrangement, Ireneu Segarra Ed: Edicions Abadia de Montserrat
The total duration of the works chosen, (b+c), together, can not exceed 10 minutes. 1st prize, 100.000 pta; 2nd
prize, 50.000 pta; 3rd. prize 25.000 pta COMPETITION NR. 4 Mixed, male, female or children's choirs up to 50 voices. Two works chosen
from the folklore of the country of the participating choir.
1st prize, 50.000 pta, 2nd,
25.000 pta, 3rd 10.000 pta COMPETITION NR. 5 Dance groups up to 35 members, including the musicians. Two traditional folklore
dances of the country of the participating choir. 1st prize, 50.000 pta, 2nd, 25.000 pta, 3rd 10.000 pta |
Josep Mas (Secretary) |
Complements and services
b) dates of arrival and departure; c) Type of accomodation; d) Whether thay have a car.
- Public phone - Foods and drinks - Medical point - Red Cross - Change of money - Photography, video and develop - Children park - Sold of souvenirs |
ParticipantsGroups from:
1. MIXED CHOIR OBALA (Koper-Eslovènia)
1. CANTUS CHILDREN’S CHOIR (Kuldiga-Letònia)
1. CANTUS CHILDREN’S CHOIR (Kuldiga-Letònia)
1. LOGHIEL FOLK DANCERS (Ballimena-Irlanda del Nord) |